Below you will find the forms and documents to sign prior to any class, course, or program. For private classes & and to finalize a class or course please make sure to provide an email. WE DO NOT BOOK OVER THE PHONE OR TEXT & PAYMENT IS REQUIRED TO SECURE DATES. Email is required.
Updated 01/21/2024
Liability Waiver
Waiver of Liability - created 01/20/2020 -
Before attending a program, class or course with Wilderness Wild Survival School, each member of your group must read and agree to the following terms. This form must be signed by each member (or a parent, if under 18 years) and returned to Wilderness Wild Survival School prior to any class, course, or program. Classes and courses are only reserved when payment is received. All students must fill out a registration form and pay within 24 hours to secure dates. By taking a class or course and filling out the information below you agree to the following.
You and your group specifically agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Wilderness Wild Survival School, and their respective owners, employees, staff, and representatives from any and all loss sustained, or claims made, by you or your group. This agreement applies even if Wilderness Wild Survival School, hosts, camps or their representatives are alleged to have caused the injury, harm or loss.
There is an inherent risk in any outdoor activity (hiking, sports, natural wildlife or plant life, survival skills, use of knives, camp fires, etc.) that cannot be entirely removed. By engaging in these activities, you assume full responsibility for any and all consequences. By signing this form you agree that Wilderness Wild Survival School, and its employees will not be held liable for any and all loss sustained or injury claims caused from participation in these activities. This agreement applies even if the School, Camp, or their representatives are alleged to have caused the injury, harm or loss.
Your group and or family is responsible for supervision of its members or children. Wilderness Wild Survival School is not a day care service and does not assume responsibility for supervision for your group. Under no circumstances are children under eighteen allowed to attend a class or course without a responsible adult present, unless the parent or guardians have provided a drop off form and the student is over the age of 11 & attending the Wilderness Skills Intensive Program. Your family and group agrees to the cancellation policy, drop off forms, and other documents or important information listed on our website or in emails provided to you. Wilderness Wild Survival School and its employees can reject a drop off form if they feel the student or staff would be unsafe, or the student requires the need for a parent to participate. All students receive knife safety training, if they do not receive the training students cannot use a knife until the training is complete. By using a knife without the knife safety training, students regardless of age do so at their own risk. By signing this waiver you and your group assume full responsibility for any and all consequences associated with these activities.
You and your group agree to abide by all regulations and rules of Wilderness Wild Survival School. Your group agrees to provide adult supervision of minors (at least 1 adult per 8 minors, and one adult per overnight group). You and your group agree to show courtesy to other students and instructors that may be present. You and your group agree to keep grounds, sites, parks, and wilderness areas clean or pay a cleanup fee assessed by Wilderness Wild Survival School. Please do not litter! You and your group agree to pay for repair or replacement costs for lost or damaged property, wasted materials, or damaged / lost gear provided by Wilderness Wild Survival School.
You and your group agree not to bring alcohol, tobacco, guns, and/or fireworks onto camp property, class sites, or courses unless prior permission was given by Wilderness Wild Survival School, or it’s part of the class or course.
Any wild animal (especially an injured one) can be dangerous. Never approach or feed a wild animal.
Wilderness Wild Survival School reserves the right to remove from the class, course, or program any person(s) or group that deviate from the above requirements or participate in conduct that is contrary to the safety and rules set by Wilderness Wild Survival School and its staff. No money will be refunded in such a case.
Wilderness Wild Survival School Instructors are not required to provide medical assistance; however any instructor who is trained and certified by professional means, and holds a current WFR or EMT certificate may aid, assist, or provide medical attention to a student who is considered by the instructor to require emergency medical assistance. By signing this form you agree and acknowledge that instructors may aid and provide medical assistance if you give permission; or in the event that you cannot consciously give permission, you acknowledge that if they choose to provide medical attention that they can give proper medical assistance to the best of their ability and training. Any staff or instructor who meets the above requirements to give medical assistance may not be held responsible for any further medical issues and or death following treatment. The student or person receiving treatment acknowledges that there may be a risk with treatment and assumes all responsibility during and after medical attention is given.
I have read the above, and agree to the terms therein. I agree to abide by all guidelines set by Wilderness Wild Survival School. I release Wilderness Wild Survival School and all its employees from any and all liability connected with my use of the camp.
Please sign and date below. If you do not sign, date, and return prior to the first class, course, or program then by default you agree to the above terms & Wilderness Wild Survival School and its staff have the right to refuse a class or course without refund until forms are received.
Family agreement:
Parent Signature
List all family members under 18 years of age covered by this agreement.
Signed / Individual Date
Print Name
If under 18 years of age:
Parents’ Signature
Pick Up & Drop Off Consent Form
This form is for those who are being transported to and from a class or course. Students and clients being transported by anyone employed by Wilderness Wild Survival School LLC agree to the following terms below.
Agreement Terms
Students and clients agree to be picked up from a designated location by the parent or guardian & it is their responsibility to be to location on time. Classes may end earlier than the allotted time, and parents or guardians will receive a text or phone call when we are finishing up. If a parent or guardian is 30 minutes late for pickup after the second text or phone call to let them know what class is done, Wilderness Wild and its staff will immediately terminate any scheduled classes. Students and Clients who are being picked up and dropped off for a series of classes agree to maintain a constant pickup location and time and to not change or alter the location of pickup, drop off, or the designated times, Unless a new form has been filled out and approved by a member of Wilderness Wild Survival School Management. Means of pickup and drop off include students who are also walking or biking to the class location.
Section 2 terms and conditions for Pick up and drop off service with Wilderness Wild staff and vehicles
If traveling with a wilderness wild staff Students or clients agree to not distract the driver in any way while being transported. If the driver feels that someone is being distracting or unsafe they will ask no more than 3 times to stop the distraction or unsafe behavior. After the 3rd warning the student or client may be asked to leave the vehicle, and may no longer be eligible for pick up & drop off transport.
Students under the age of 18 must have parental permission to participate in pick up and drop off. No minor under the age of 12 may ride in a company vehicle without a parent or guardian. Minors using the pick up and drop off service must have a cell phone or way to contact their parent or guardian, and must provide times that they will be picked up and dropped off. Parent or guardian signature is required prior to using the service. Minors must be able to get to the pickup location.
Students using the pickup and drop off service agree and acknowledge that roads and vehicle travel can be dangerous. Students and clients agree to not hold Wilderness Wild Survival School or any of its staff responsible for any, late drop offs, crashes, accidents, injuries, or any kind of damage; personal or material, that is sustained while riding in a company vehicle if; the driver is not responsible for the accident, or if the accident is the result of mechanical failure, or if the accident is the result of distraction from a student or client.
If you acknowledge and agree to the above sign below, if you're signing with a student under 18 please sign the parent or guardian line. Return This form to kyle@wildernesswildsurvivalschool.com or bring it to the first class. If a this form is required and not received then Wilderness Wild Survival School & it's staff can refuse to hold the class or course without refund until the form is signed and returned.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
PRIVACY POLICY - Class & Course Photos & Videos
Wilderness Wild Survival School
1002 E 800 N Genola Utah
For purposes of this Agreement, Wilderness Wild Survival School strives to respect the privacy of its clients. During classes or courses we may take photos and videos. Any photos and videos taken during classes or courses may be used as Wilderness Wild Survival School and It’s Owners for marketing, advertising and other business purposes.
Sign below to agree to the above policy.